7 Steps To A Perfect Personal Vision Statement

Your personal vision statement can help you stay focused on long-term goals and set realistic short-term goals as part of your job plan. This can help you look for jobs, leadership roles, and valuable professional experience.

Here, you’ll learn about personal vision statements and how to write one that will help you achieve your goals. You’ll also look at examples to help you write your own.

Combine your personal vision statement with manifestation methods to achieve your vision.

What Is A Personal Vision Statement?

A personal vision statement is a short summary of your long-term career goal and most important traits. Career mission and vision statements may also be called “career goals” or “career vision statements.”

The vision statement should usually be 30 to 40 words long. It should say what you want to achieve. That goal could be to become a top engineer or become the CEO of a certain company. It could be anything. Setting clear career goals can help you deal with challenging changes in the job market and succeed in your career.

How To Write A Statement Of Personal Goals

personal vision statement

It is important to write down your career goals and skills. To write, you need to follow these steps.

Step 1: Find Out What You Are Good At

Knowing your strengths and how to use them makes you a better candidate for a job. It could be that your math skills have always made you stand out.

You might be able to work out complicated calculations in a matter of seconds, thanks to your skills. Or maybe you’re very organized, whether you’re in charge of other people or plan a big party.

Step 2: Figure Out Your Strengths

List the skills you have. You can write down the things you are good at, whether it is a school subject, a practical activity, or a soft skill, like working well with other people. You can also choose skills that show your interests and what you like to do to find new jobs you hadn’t thought of before.

Find out what skills you have that will make you money. Take a look at the jobs and fields you want to work in, and think about which of your strengths are most important to each one. Make a list of three to five things that you like about yourself. Some of them may work well together.

Make positive statements about your skills. See your skills as ways to make your job better when you’re done with school. When using your statement to get a job, be positive and confident in convincing employers you are the right candidate.

Step 3: Think About Your Values

The way you act and do your job is linked to your values. It’s important to figure out your core values before writing your career vision statement. People find it easier to work toward long-term goals if they really believe in the goal.

When trying to identify your core values, the following questions can help you:

  • Do you think it’s important that your work helps the world?
  • Do you care about work-life balance?
  • Do you get excited when you can help others?
  • As a person, do you think that you should take responsibility for your own actions?

Step 4: Get a Bigger Picture of Your Values

Ask the people who know you best. People who know you well can tell you what they think your values are. Because you spend time with them every day, they can tell you what they think is important to you and what motivates you.

Take a values test on the web. These tests give you information about your personality and beliefs, which can help you figure out what you value. To determine what is most important to you, answer the questions as honestly as possible.

If your values don’t align with your goals, you might want to change your goal to still align with your core values. Knowing who you are and what you want in life makes it easier to choose a good job goal.

Step 5: Think About How Your Skills Can Help People In The Real World.

Another important step in writing your vision statement is to think about how your own skills and beliefs can help solve problems. Find out what problems you may encounter in your job and figure out how your skills and traits can help.

Think about these questions for a moment:

  • What are the things that you care about?
  • Are there any problems that your personal strengths are better at dealing with?
  • Is there a topic that fits well with your core values?

You should develop a shortlist of possible jobs that interest you by answering these questions. When you get to the next step, you can narrow down your options to choose a specific job.

Step 6: Choose Where You Want To Be In Your Field.

After you figure out how your skills help people in the real world, look for a job that fits your goals. You can narrow down your choices by following these steps:

Choose a field. If you want to work in medicine, finance, or law, choose the field you want to work in. It’s important to focus your attention on a wide range of jobs at this point.

Choose the role. A doctor, bank manager, or lawyer could be your ideal job in the field. Choose a job that you can do in the next four to six years rather than your long-term goal at the end of your career. Because of this, you can have a goal that has a bigger effect on your motivation when you work each day.

Set goals for your job. Describe what you hope to accomplish at your job. “Why do I want this job?” may be the first thing you ask yourself.

Taking a break is fine. You probably won’t do this all at once or get them all right the first time. Natural: You might want to change your goals and personal vision statement from time to time, but it’s best to start with one so you can see which ones work best and which ones don’t. Make your career vision statement and implement it when you have all of this together.

Step 7: Draft a Concise Mission Statement

Aim to keep the statement short and unique at the same time. As a result, the statement can be written in two sentences. This helps keep it short and to the point. To get the most out of this short, simple statement, here is a sentence-by-sentence breakdown:

The first sentence: To start, say the field or job you want to do. For example, you might say that you want to be an insurance broker for a big insurance company or a mechanical engineer for a big company, like Apple or Google.

In your first sentence, explain why you set a goal for your job. Perhaps you want to change how insurance policies are sold to young people or develop new technology for the oil business.

When you are done, look over your completed statement. It should be clear where you want to go in your job and why you want to get there. Make changes if it doesn’t have enough specificity or clarity. Make sure the two sentences explain what you want to do in your career and why you want to do it.

Putting Your Personal Vision Statement To Use In Your Job

With your statement done, you can start using it to move up your job. You can use your personal vision statement at work in many ways, like:

Put your statement to work

Check it out every day. Write your statement down and put it somewhere where you can see it often. If you work in an office, it could be on your desk.

It could also be on the floor. Instead, you could put the card somewhere at home where you see it when you get up in the morning or do work from home.

Let it help you find a job. Use your statement to keep your goal in mind when looking for a new job. Next, think about which job will get you closer to your goal, and spend all of your time applying for jobs that will get you there.

In your resume, put your vision statement in. This is where you should put your career goal statement. This job gives future employers a clear picture of how your previous education and work experience relates to your goals for the future.

Periodically Rethink Your Statement

Part of your career development is rethinking and maybe changing your goals. Consider changing your vision statement as you take on new opportunities and gain more experience. This will help you stay on track with your goals.

What is the reason for making changes? It is important to know why you did it when you changed your job. This can happen when you look back and think about your statement. You might find that your statement can lead you in a new direction.

Rethink your new job goal. You can add your new goal to your vision statement by following the steps you used to write the first one. The experience you’ve gained can help you decide if you want to change jobs in the same field or go in a different direction.

Rephrase what you said. Depending on your new goal, you may need to change the statement in whole or part.

You might need to write a new statement to show your next goal as your career progresses. The skills you learn in this guide can help you as your career grows.

Examples of Personal Vision Statements

This post shows you some examples of how a personal vision statement might look. Take note that your statement should show who you are as a person and what you want to do with your life. Use these examples as a guide.

“I hope to become a doctor at a large hospital in the future. When I was a child, I always wanted to help people live healthy lives and get well.”

“A social worker is someone who helps young people in the community. I want to help young people in the community. My friendly and strong sense of justice has made me want to help less fortunate people.”

“My objective is to be the CEO of a tech company. I am inspired by how technology can change the world’s communication and help people who aren’t as well-known.”

Final Word About Personal Vision Statements

Your personal vision statement is a single beacon to guide you in a general direction. You’ll need to fill in the details about how you will travel to get there.

Best wishes in your efforts to achieve a wonderful vision for your life!
